
Highest health tank wow legion
Highest health tank wow legion

We’ll also outline a rotation that maximizes Rage generation - your main resource - that will help fuel your all-important damage mitigation abilities whenever they're needed.

highest health tank wow legion

It’s not that a Guardian Druid is terribly slow at questing - it beats most other tanking classes in the damage-per-second department - but it is much more efficient to embrace your inner Moonkin, something you can learn about by perusing our Balance Druid guide. We’ll start this guide recommending talents that will fit both the levelling progression and the dungeon-running / raiding endgame, but keep in mind that, if you choose to level up as a Guardian Druid, you should do so by running dungeons instead of questing. This variety of effective tools makes the Guardian Druid a great starting point for aspiring tanks, but - paradoxically - one of the hardest to master at high-level play. They complement these natural gifts of their Bear form with the widest breadth of active mitigation abilities in the game, and if even then they get into trouble, they can rely on some powerful defensive cooldowns. Guardian Druids are pure damage sponges, relying on a mammoth health pool and large amounts of armour in order to survive most encounters. In this Guardian Druid guide, we’ll show you how to play this veteran tank specialisation.

highest health tank wow legion

Soon enough though the Guardian Druid was recognised as one of the most resilient tanks in the game, and has held that distinction ever since. This had more to do with perception than anything, as Druids were excellent healers and in those early days it felt sub-optimal to use them as anything else. Guardian Druid was initially rather shunned as a tank back in Classic / Vanilla World of Warcraft.

Highest health tank wow legion